Tory Burch goes where Fitbits needed to go – into fashionable terrains. She unveils a new line of accessories that make you (or your gal) look fab while logging in steps. A Fitbit that goes well with Jimmy Choos? Fabulous!
My quick take:
Is it a Fitbit or fashion? That’s the dilemma no longer. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to fitness and certainly not for fashion. Mega fashion force, Tory Burch, doing what needed to get done in the fitness space, creating Fitbit Flex “covers” that makes that utilitarian band look like a piece of jewelry. We’re talking a perfect necklace to go with your Prada pumps. No clash involved. Pre-orders just opened to the public, so you’ll be the first one on the block with these pieces that will surely catch glances of admiration in the office.
What it is:
It is your lucky day. Have a high maintenance yet sporty gal whose birthday is coming up? Avoiding buying a fitness wristband because it just screams “cookie cutter” or even “ugly?” This solves it for you. Tory Burch and Fitbit team up to turn your Flex into a fashion piece with a series of chic accessories to ship September 29, according to Tory Burch’s website.
The collection was designed just for Fitbit includes silicon bracelet covers, a metal hinged bracelets and even a brass pendant. So as you work the boardroom, no one will know you’ve got your Fitbit on.
These accessories work with the Fitbit Flex (so you actually need to purchase a Fitbit Flex if you don’t have one already) . So don’t make the mistake of purchasing this alone and expecting the necklace to count steps.
The preorders just opened, with product shipping on September 29. Prices range from $38 – $195
Where to get it: